Assurance you are saved

It is the work of the enemey to confuse us and make us think we are not saved. Remember that you can never lose your salvation. 1 John is a great essential doctrine passage that shows us we can be assured of our salvation.

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Blessings from the Cross

The work of the Cross was so significant and we reap so many benefits thanks to Jesus Christ. I take a look at some of those blessings in my lastest devotional.

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God's solution to anxiety

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 40 million American adults are affected by anxiety. That's around 18% of the population. Wow! Some of us try different ways to deal with their anxiety. Some turn to medicine. Some turn to alcohol. None of these are the answer. Jesus is the only answer.

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How God transforms your life through salvation

Being saved is the greatest moment if your life. It's when you are declared righteous before a Holy God. How great is that!! Ever wonder what happens to your life after making that great decision.

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Easter Hope

He has risen! He has risen indeed! Those words bring so much joy to a christians heart. When jesus ressurected from the dead He brought so much hope to the world.

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What a child of God follows

A man of God should be known for what they do and not what they don't do anymore.

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