God's solution to anxiety

Phillipians 4:1-19

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 40 million American adults are affected by anxiety. That’s around 18% of the population. Wow! Some of us try different ways to deal with their anxiety. Some turn to medicine. Some turn to alcohol. None of these are the answer. Jesus is the only answer. Want to know why?

In this passage Paul is addressing all his fellow believers. Paul really loved the people of Phillipi and he didn’t want them to be anxious. So what is anxiety? Anxiety is a feeling of worry. It’s a feeling of unease. A feeling of constant thinking and worrying about things that we ourselves can’t control. We all have gone through anxiety at times in life. Some of us may be going through it right now.

Anxiety is the work of the enemy. The enemey wants us to worry because when we worry we can’t do anything to further the kingdom of God. So what are we to do as Christians? We are to meditate on God’s word and pray. Phillipians 4 is a perfect outline on how we are to deal with anxiety.

In this time of panademic a lot of people are worrying. Some are worrying will they have a job? Will they be able to provide food for their family? These are all valid concerns. However, God doesn’t want us to worry. Someone once said worry is a conversation you have with yourself about things you can’t change on your own. While prayer is a conversation with God who can change things. So the big takeaway here is to stay faithful. Let’s take a look at the scripture now and see how God wants us to deal with anxiety.

We have God’s presence (Verse 5)

In verse 5 Pauls says the Lord is at hand. What does he mean by that? He is saying that we have Gods presence. Since we have God’s presence we should do the following

  • We should stand fast in the Lord.
  • We should be of the same mind.
  • We should always rejoice in the Lord.

When God’s presence is alive in our heart we have joy and His peace. When we are of the same mind we can get along with others more. God will help you to love others, forgive them and get along with them.

Sometimes its hard to feel God’s prescence. We may rush through everything in our laundry list. However, we need to slow down. When we slow we can see God in every situation. When we see God in every situation we can rest in His promises and know that He has a plan for us and we don’t need to worry.

God’s peace (Verse 7)

In verse 7 Paul says that we have the peace of God. We have the peace of the God through the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit guard and protects our minds. I love his choice of words. When I heard guard It makes me think of a big battle. So God is protecting us in a war we are going through. It’s true our mind and heart are under constant attack by the enemy. So God is on our side working to protect our emotions and our thoughts. So always remember we have the peace of God. See John 14:27

How does the peace come to us?

  • We need to pray correctly - we are to pray about everything. Not just big things but small things as well. Prayer is so powerful. So if you want peace make your requests known to God.
  • There is 4 ways to pray.

    • We need to pray with adoration - simply tell God how great he is.
    • We need to pray with appreciation - tell God what you are grateful for.
    • We need to pray with supplication - when we pray to God with supplication we are asking God for His help. When we ask for Gods’ help always come humbly.
    • We need to pray with petition. - this is when we pray to God for a specific need.

Prayer is so important because God wants us not to be anxious and instead come to Him with our worries. See 1 Peter 5.

We have God’s power (Verse 13)

In verse 13 which is my favorite bible Paul tells us we have the strength of God.

When we are in Christ we have the power of the Holy Spirit helping us. So we can do all things through Christ. Not just some things but ALL things through Jesus Christ. God is our helper. God enables us and gives us strength.When you have God’s power you can be content with any situation in life.

Some people take this verse and take it out of context. Paul is not saying you can jump from one building to another building because you have Christ on your side. He is saying this in regards to what God is calling you to do. You can succeed in your ministry. You can overcome spiritual warfare. You can be a Godly dad. You can be a Godly husband. Think about it. We have the same strength that raised Christ from the grave on our side!!

We have God’s provision (Verse 19)

In verse 19 Paul mentions that God has promised to provide for us from the riches of God’s glory. We all know God’s glory is unmeasurable. We also know that God has given up his only begotten son for us(John 3:16). So what won’t he give to us? Jesus once said that He has come so we can have an abundant life in Him (John 10:10)

DL Moody called verse 19. God’s blank check. How great is that? To think about having a blank check from God. So when worry comes try to relax and think about the promises God has given us. He wants us to have an abundant life and He will provide for it!

To recap so why should we not worry? We shouldn’t worry because we have Gods prescence, His peace, His power and His provision. That is more than anything else we will ever need in life!!

Gracious Father you are a gracious father indeed! It’s because of your grace that we can have the peace. It’s by your grace we are saved from a life without hope. Saved from a life filled with anxiety. You don’t want us to worry instead you want us to cast our fears and worries at your feet. Your love is so amazing Lord it overflows surely. Thank you for being such an amazing father to us. Than you for giving us your presence so freely. Thank you for the peace you can bring even in the craziest storms. Thank you for the power you supply to all your children. You enable us and you protect our hearts and minds. Most importantly you provide for your children through your riches and grace everyday. Help us to stand in your word and your promises and keep us strong so we can withstand the enemy with your help.

Its in the wonderful powerful name of Jesus that we pray.
