Blessings from the Cross

Romans 5:1-11

The work of the Cross was so significant and we reap so many benefits thanks to Jesus Christ. I take a look at some of those blessings in my lastest devotional.

Why are we blessed because of the cross?

  • We have peace with God - this is through Justificiation. Justification is when we are declared righteous before a Holy God. This is an act of God only. This is not something that any man or woman can earn. It is only possible thanks to the work of the cross. If Jesus didn’t die on the cross and ressurect we would still be in our sins and could never have peace with God. See 1 Corinthians 15:14
  • We have access to God - in verse 2 it says we access to God. We are no longer seprated from God because of our sin. We can now come to God through Jesus Christ who intercedes for us.
  • We rejoice in the hope of God - in verse 3 we are told that we rejoice in the hope of God. This is a reference to the hope of Heaven. That one day we will be together with the Lord. Jesus is preparing a place for us. (See John 14:2)
  • We can rejoice in our trials - in verse 4 and 5 we are told that yes even in trials we can rejoice. We can rejoice in trials because we know God is building us up and making us stronger. We need to remember that sometimes trials come into our life to draw us closer to God. So hang in there and know that Jesus is with you through every storm and to be of good cheer because He conquered the world!(John 16:33). Finally when God delivers you out of that storm you will be giving an opportunity to magnify Christ. So rejoice my brothers and sisters in Christ! Rejoice!
  • The love of God is poured out on our heart - God’s love has been poured out on us through the Holy Spirit. How do we know God loves us? In verse 5 we are told that God poured out his love through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a gife He gave us. A gift we didn’t deserve. A gift we can never earn. God gave His only begotten son for us. For a righteous person one would not die for but Jesus died for us sinners, for the ungodly, for the unrighteousness. If God gave His only son for us what wouldn’t he give us(Romans 8:32).
  • We are saved from the wrath of God - In verse 9 we are told since we are justified by the blood of Christ we are now spared from the wrath of God. Jesus took the wrath of God for our sin by dying on the cross. We escaped judgement thanks to Jesus!
  • We have joy in God - In verse 10 we are told we can have the joy of the Lord because we now have reconciliation with God because of Jesus dying for our sin. Since we now have justification we now have fellowship with God again. Isn’t that such a great blessing.

Justification is such a great blessing to us. It really changes our live and gives us so much peace. The blessings of justification are available to ALL believers that are in Christ.

We are justified by the work of the cross. When justified we have the peace of God, we have fellowship with God, we have the Joy of God and most importantly we have the love of God. How great is that!

Lord it is by the work of the cross we have all these amazing blessings. We know this is all posssible thanks to Jesus Christ. We know these blessings are not something we can ever earn. These blessings come from the love you pour out to us through your Holy Spirit. We are so blessed that you shed your wrath on us sinners thanks to Jesus Christ. We are very grateful for your love and your blessings. We are grateful to be justified through the blood of Jesus. It’s in Jesus Holy name we pray.
