How God transforms your life through salvation

Phillipians 3

Being saved is the greatest moment if your life. It’s when you are declared righteous before a Holy God. How great is that!! Ever wonder what happens to your life after making that great decision.

This passage in Phillipians shows us the plan that God has for our life. Paul wrote this message to address some of the false teachers. These false teachers were called dogs because they did not have a pure mind. They were not in Christ. They were telling the people of Phillipi that they were to still make animal sacrifices to God for forgiveness of sins.

This is why Paul warns to be aware of dogs and evildoers. These people thought that they can save themselves by their own acts. Which, we know is not true. It is by God’s grace and God’s grace only that we achieve salvation. It is not based on a man’s works (Ephesians 2:8).

Just think about it. Even if we could earn salvation by our works. Our most holy acts are like dirty rags before a Holy God.


Paul mentions he wants to be found in Christ. When he says he wants to be found in Christ. He is referring to his salvation and the act of being declared righteous by a holy God. It is important to remember when God saves us we are declared righteous before Him. Only God can declare us, the believing sinner, righteous based on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross(Romans 4:25). This process is called justification.

Justification is to not be confused with God making us righteousness. That is a work in progress until we eventually meet the Lord. It’s God positionally declaring us as righteous before Him.


The next phase of salvation is called sanctification. Sanctification is the process of the Holy Spirit working in us to make us more like Jesus day by day. Jesus loves us and want us to live life more abundantly.

Paul’s goal was to know Christ. He didn’t want to just be in him. He wanted to know him personally. To know him intimately. He wanted the power of Christ in his life. He wanted to the power to turn away from sin. He wanted to know Christ painfully. He wanted to know what it was like to suffer for the glory of God.

In verse 12 Paul is indicating that he wants to forget his old self and instead pursue Christ like an athlete pursues a gold medal or trophy (Hebrews 12:1-2).

We can think of sanctificaiton to the likeness of running a marathon race. We are running to get to the finish line. In our salvation the finish line is when we get to meet Christ. That is our reward. We also have the pleasure of having Christ help us the entire race. It’s like having Jesus waiting for you a you at the end of each lap to enourage and inspire you. He is there giving you some water. Patting you on your back and encouraging you along the entire way. That is what sanctification is like.

How does God help you through the process of sanctification?

  • The Bible - God will help you by teaching you through His word. See John 17:17
  • Prayer - God will prompt us to pray for help to be more like Jesus. See 1 Timothy 4:4-5
  • Suffering and trials - God will sometimes bring trials into our lives because our faith needs to be tried. You can’t trust in a faith that hasn’t been tested.

Isn’t it great that God wants to help us to be more like Christ. Christ is our savior and we should be hungry to want to be more like Him.


This is the final phase of our salvation. This is when we will go to heaven one day when we will really get to know Christ. How will we get to know Christ? We will get to know Christ because our body will become like Christ. This is when we will recieve our glorified body. See 1 Corinthians 15:53-55.

Those are the three stages of salvation. Isn’t salvation such a great gift. Not only is it great but it’s free. A pouring out of God’s heart and the love He has for us. That he gave His only begotten son. So we can be saved! So we can be set free from the penalty of sin. All God asks is that we believe in His beloved Son.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Christ. Do you know Jesus? Do you really know him and have a personal relationship with Him? If not now is the time. The time to get right with Christ. To get free from sin. To become a new creation in Christ.

The bible says if you hear Jesus knocking its time to let Him into your heart. Now is the time of acceptance.

If you are ready to make that leap of faith. I am very happy for you. That decision will change your life drastically for the good. Now repeat after me.

Jesus I know I am a sinner and there is only one way to be forgiven for my sins. It is to put my faith and trust in you. I believe you were born of the virgin Mary and lived a sinless life. That you took my place and died on the cross for my sin. I believe that you resurrected from the dead three days later and that you are exalted and seated at the right hand of the Father. I want to turn away from my sin and follow you. Please come into my heart and be my Lord. In Jesus Holy name I pray.
