What a child of God follows

1 Timothy 6:11

A child of God should be known for what they do and not what they don’t do anymore. Most christians when they give their testimony they sometimes spend too much time talking about what God has stopped them from doing. It is okay to say what you no longer do but your focus should be on talking about what you now do in your life because of God.

What a child of God should do

  • They should purse righteousness in all they do. - What does this look like? It means you should always seek to do what is right. Regardless of where you are or who you are with. This holds true when you are out in your neighborhood, at work, or anywhere in public. God is calling us to be good witnesses. We can’t be good witnesses when we don’t see what is right.
Matthew 6:33

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

  • They should purse Godliness - What does this look like? It means you should have a genuine blameless character. A person that is the same person whether they are in public or private. A person that would do the right thing even when nobody is looking. You are simply seeking God. You can’t pursuse Godliness without pursuing the Holy Spirit. In verse 6(1 Timothy 6:6) we are told Godliness with contentment should be our goal. The Lord is all we need!
  • They should pursue faith - What does this look like? It starts with having a saving faith. This is the faith you have when you accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Saving faith only take a little faith. It’s the sustaining faith you need. This is the faith you have in God when you are going through major trials in your life. This is the kind of faith Peter had when he stepped out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus (Matthew 14:22-33).
  • They should pursue love in all they do. - What does this look like? We should be loving others like we love ourself. We should be loving others like Jesus loves us. How can we love someone. One way is by serving them. Think about Jesus and how he served his apostles on His last day before dying for us(John 13:1-17). He truly set the example for us. What kind of love should we have? The love that only comes from the Holy Spirt. This love is called Agape love. It is a sacrificial love. It is a kind of love that only believers in Christ can show. Finally who shoud we love? We should love everyone. Our neighbors and even our enemies. Jesus still loved Judas even though he had betrayed Him.
John 13:35

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another”

  • They should pursue patience and endurance - What does this look like? This means that we wait on the Lord in all we do. That we understand that God’s will will be done and not ours. That everything happens on God’s timing not ours. So what are we to do? We need to be still and know that I am God(Psalms 46:10). We need to never lose faith and stand strong in any opposition we face. Always remembering that trials make us stronger (Romans 5:1-5).
  • They should pursue meekness - What does this look like? This means we demonstrate power under control. This means we are in control of our flesh. We don’t lose patience. We don’t get easily angered. We become like Jesus. Jesus only mad when God was dishonored (1 Peter 2:21-23). Being meek may be one of the hardest thing to do as a christian. As we need to be in control over our flesh. There is only one way we can do that. We need the help of the Holy Spirit. So make sure to be in good fellowship with God and seeking His help everyday and every minute.

We live in a fallen world. A world that has turned away from God. A world that lacks hope. This is a time more than ever that we need a revival. This is a time where the world needs more children of God!

Your brother in Christ,


Heavenly father we want to thank you that you have given us the opportunity to be children of God. We have this thanks to Jesus! Jesus payed the ultimate sacrifice for us when He died on the cross for us. Jesus paid a debt He didn’t owe and we are forever grateful for the work of the cross. We know you saved us for a reason and that reason is for us to do good works, to spread your gospel and be the salt and light for the world. Lord help to encourage us day by day to walk in the spirit in all we do. Our prayer is for your Holy Spirit to pour into us and your word to pour out of us.

In the mighty powerful wonderful name of Jesus. Amen!