Easter Hope

Matthew 28:1-7

He has risen! He has risen indeed! Those words bring so much joy to a christians’ heart. When Jesus ressurected from the dead He brought so much hope to the world.

The ressurection is the basis of the Christian faith. Without the ressurection we have no hope. We have no chance of Heaven. We are forever in bondage to sin. Non believers to this day try to deny the work of the cross and the fact the Jesus rose from the dead.

The passage here in Matthew 28 has clear proof that Jesus rose from the dead. It recounts the story of what happend when Mary Magadlene went to the tomb to see the body of Jesus.

As we know Jesus was crucified on Friday and was buried the same day. So the following day it was a very somber day. People were devastated they thought their savior was truly dead. So you can imagine the suprise Mary was in store for. When she arrived to the tomb she found that the stone was rolled away! The tomb was empty!

One can think why the stone was moved away. Well it wasn’t for Jesus but it had been moved so Mary and the disciples could come in.

When Mary went inside she found there was two angels inside. One was at the foot and one at the head of where Jesus body once was.

Let’s go over what we learn from the angels message. The angels message can be broken into three points.

Fear not

We don’t need to fear because Jesus is alive!!! Jesus was not there. He was not in the tomb. He had risen like He said He would.

This was the conclusion of what I believe to be the three greatest events in history.

  • The incarnation - Jesus was God in flesh.
  • The crucification - Jesus died in subsitution for us. He paid His own body for our sins. So we can be freed from sin’s penalty.
  • The ressurection - The basis of the Christian fatih.

How do we know Jesus rose from the dead.

  1. Jesus told us He would rise. It was written throughout the bible about His ressurection. We know the bible is all true.
  2. The tomb was empty. Jesus physically raised from the dead. It wasn’t just a spiritual awakening but it was a physically awakening.
  3. Jesus was seen alive for 40 days and 40 nights by His apostles.
  4. He helped convert Saul
  5. The lives Jesus is changing today. We all have our testimony how Jesus has changed us. We all have become new creations in Christ.

Come see

Come see where the Lord lay.

  1. We can have His pardon. If christ hasn’t risen we are not free from our sins. 1 Corinthians 15:17
  2. We have His power. Ephesians 1:19-20
  3. We have His purpsose. God give us a purpose. 1 Corinthians 15:19 Life is vanity without God. Our soul is restless without God.
  4. We have His presence. Hebrews 13:5
  5. We have His pattern 1 Corinthians 15:20
  6. We have his promise - John 14 Jesus will come again for us.

Go tell

The angels told Mary to tell the apostles the good news that Jesus is alive! That Jesus has conquered sin and death. This is what Jesus wanted. For everyone to know the good news. So we just like Mary should go and tell others.

This is exactly what we should put our hope in. Telling others about Christ. Giving others the hope that Christ has given you. We can’t put our hope in the government or our jobs. We definitely can’t put our hope in our good works. We don’t go to heaven based on our good works (Ephesians 2:8). There is only one person we can put our hope in and that is Jesus Christ!

Your brother in Christ,

Gracious Father you are our one true living hope. You are our father. A father who we can always put our faith in. We thank you for giving up your only begotten son. Who paid the ultimate price for our sins. Just so we can have a future so we can have a hope of going to heaven one day. Thank you so much Lord. Our prayer is to always remember what you did for us and that we never need to live in fear because of the hope you give us. In the mighty wonderful powerful name of Jesus. We pray!
