Assurance you are saved

1 John 5:9-13

It is the work of the enemey to confuse us and make us think we are not saved. However, salvation is not something you can lose. The enemy wants you to think that. 1 John is an essential doctrine passage that shows us we can be assured of our salvation.

The key to this passage is in verse 13. That you may know that you have eternal life when you are IN Christ.

God wants us to know that we have salvation. See John 17:3. God wants us to not only know but also be assured. When we have assurance we can live an abundant life like Jesus wants us to.

Did you know that a person can be saved but not be sure of it? This is very true of new believers. It is the goal of the enemy to confuse you. See 2 Peter 1:10. So don’t let him!!

How can we have assurance of Salvation?

  • The Word of God the Father - The bible tells us we have assurance. In John 3:16 we are told that we can have eternal life with God when we believe in Jesus Christ.
  • The Work of God the Son - In verse 11 and 12 we are also told that when we have the Son we are saved. We have eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross to save us sinners and to satisfy the requirements of a righteous Holy God. See Romans 3:22-23

    1. The prayer of Jesus - In John 17:24 Jesus prays to the father that we can go to Heaven with Him.
    2. The promises of God - In John 14:3 Jesus promised that He would come back for us and that He is preparing a place for us in Heaven with Him.
  • The work of the Holy Spirit - We are given the gift of the Holy Spirit when we repent and access Jesus as our savior. The Holy Spirit is the seal of our salvation. See Romans 1:13. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit the moment we are saved. Isn’t that so great? The Holy Spirit then works to convict you of your sin, He works to regenerate you, and endwells us. The Holy Spirit is the earnest of our savalation. This is a reference to our inheritance of the Holy Spirit. Finally the Holy Spirit is witness to our spirits that we are children of God. See Romans 8:15-16.
  • The Fruit of the Spirit - This is an external witness that we are children of God. It is by the spirit that we can bear fruit. See Galatians 5:22. When you bear fruit that is evidence of the Holy Spirt and evidence of your salvation.

Remember when you are saved you are a new creation in Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:17.

So be assured that you are and that you have the gift of the Holy Spirit helping, you through sanctifiation. Sanctification is a life long process. So if you are not bearing fruit as quick as you want. Don’t worry

When you have the assurance you can be focused on what God wants you to do. That is to have love in your heart for all people.

Thanks to the work of the cross we can overcome the attacks of the wicked one(1 John 5:4) as we have been cleansed from all unrighteousness. See 1 John 1:9, which is often referred to as the Christians bar of soap.

In conclusion there is no reason in world that we can’t be confident in the assurance we have of our the salvation. The assurance that we are children of God. We have the assurance of God’s love and nothing can ever seperate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39).

Maybe you are reading this and realize that you want this assurance. That you want salvation. It is through believing in Jesus that we can get this free gift of salvation thanks to God’s amazing grace. Do you know Jesus? Do you really know him and have a personal relationship with Him? If not now is the time. The time to get right with Christ. To get free from sin. To become a new creation in Christ. To have that assurance.

The bible says if you hear Jesus knocking its time to let Him into your heart (Revelation 3:20). Now is the time of acceptance.

If you are ready to make that leap of faith. I am very happy for you. That decision will change your life drastically for the good. Now repeat after me.

Jesus I know I am a sinner and there is only one way to be forgiven for my sins. It is to put my faith and trust in you. I believe you were born of the virgin Mary and lived a sinless life. That you took my place and died on the cross for my sin. I belive that you ressurected from the dead three days later and that you are exhalted and seated at the right hand of the Father. I want to turn away from my sin and follow you. Please come into my heart and be my Lord. In Jesus Holy name I pray.


If you just prayed that prayer I am very happy for you and would like to hear from you. Drop me an email so I can be in touch and get you started on your walk with Christ.

Lord, Heavenly Father. We are so blessed to be children of God. We are so blessed to have the assurance you give us. The assurance through the seal of the Holy Spirit. The assurance through the promises in your Word and the assurance through the work of Jesus. Help us to rest in those promises and help us to focus on your will for our lives.

In Jesus holy name I pray!
