All Peace posts

Assurance you are saved

It is the work of the enemey to confuse us and make us think we are not saved. Remember that you can never lose your salvation. 1 John is a great essential doctrine passage that shows us we can be assured of our salvation.

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Blessings from the Cross

The work of the Cross was so significant and we reap so many benefits thanks to Jesus Christ. I take a look at some of those blessings in my lastest devotional.

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God's sustaining grace can overcome anything in life

It's by God's grace we are given the amazing gift of salvation. Sometimes we connect his grace only with salvation. However, His grace is much deeper than salvation only. God's grace can sustain us through any storm in life.

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Do not let your heart be troubled

There is so much grief going on with the world right now due to COVID 19.You may feel totally helpless. It is normal to have these feelings. As we can't do anything on our own about it. We need God. God is our refuge and strength.So remember that and don't let your heart be troubled.

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Joy in a divided world

Joy is not dependent on outward things. Joy comes from inward things when you have rest in your soul. Joy comes from having one mind. A mind that is like Jesus Christ. in control. This passage give us the blueprint on how to remain joyous

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Joy in any Circumstance

Sometimes it may be hard to remain joyous under intense situations like what we are going through with the Corona Virus. However, it's important to remember that God is in control. This passage give us the blueprint on how to remain joyous

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