Joy in a divided world

Phillipians 2:1-16

Joy is not dependent on outward things. Joy comes from inward things when you have rest in your soul. Joy comes from having one mind. A mind that is like Jesus Christ.

Paul wrote this letter to the people of Phillipi because there was division among the people. Paul wanted them and us to have unity. The way to unity is to live in humility. Verse 5 is the key to this scripture. Jesus Christ set the example for us (Phillipians 2:7).

To have unity we need to have love(v2), humility(v3) and put others first(v4). Consider yourself equal with everyone else. Remember we all for short of the glory of God(Romans 3:23). What does it mean to be humbled? It doesn’t mean not to care about yourself or think any lower about yourself. It simply means to put others first. To think about their needs. How can you serve them. Mark 10:45 and Luke 22:27. You can never be too humble. If you think you are humble. You are not. Humble has no pride at all.

Paul pleads with us for humility

In verse 1-4 paul pleads with us to be humble.

Paul gives the pattern of humility

Christ set the pattern for us. He completely humbled himself for us. This is why We need to have the same mindset of Jesus to humble ourselves for others.

  • In verse 6 Paul points out that Jesus is God. That Jesus is soverign and that Jesus was God.
  • In verse 7 Paul tells us how Jesus went from a soverign God to a humble servant just for us. He emptied Himself. He laid aside His majesty and took on humanity/humility. He took off his Crown and became a peasant. He did this voluntarily and for us.
  • In verse 8 Pauls tell us that Christ humbled himself for us. He gave himself up for us. He died and sacrificied Himself for us. Why did Jesus die on the cross for us?

    • To give us Salvation(John 3:16). By his death we were given the opportunity to be rescued from the penalty of sin(Romans 6:23).
    • He died on the cross so he can defeat sin and Satan
    • He died so the love of God could be revealed to us.

Paul reveals the power for humility

Finally in verse 12 Paul concludes to say that we need to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. What did Paul mean by this? He was simply saying we need to go out and live our salvation. It doesn’t mean we are to work for our salvation. Remember we can never earn our salvation. It is a free gift given to us(Ephesians 2:8). It means we are working for the good of the church because of our salvation.

We are to let God work in us(v13). Our goal is to be like Jesus through sanctification. God uses trials to help and shape us to be more like Jesus. So when trials come your way. Don’t pray to God to be delivered from that trial. Instead pray for revelation on what God wants you to learn from that trial.

We need to shine (v14:16) - It is our duties as children of God to be a good witness. We should always show joy to others and not to complain. When we shine our light we will be given opportunities to tell us others about Jesus.

Why should we shine our light?

So we can rejoice in the day of Christ. One day we will be caught up in the air to meet Jesus Christ. What a glorious day that will be. To think one day we will sit in the reward seat of Christ too.

This is what Paul focused on. He had a heavenly mindset and knew the race he was running was not in vain. That all his labor was not for nothing. He knew one day he would hear “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23). Wouldn’t that bring you so much joy? It sure brings me joy just to think about when that day comes.

Lord we just want to thank you that we can remain joyous through any circumstance in life. Lord you set the example for us on how to live. My prayer is that we can be of one mind, united in all we do and that we will be inspired that our work for your kingdom is never in vain! In the wonderful and powerful name of Jesus I pray!


Your brother in Christ, Craig