Joy in any Circumstance

Phillipians 1:1-30

Sometimes it may be hard to remain joyous under intense situations like what we are going through with the Corona Virus. However, it’s important to remember that God is in control. The passage here in Philippians 1 give us the blueprint on how to remain joyous

Phillipians 1 we know was written by Paul while he was in prison (Philippians 1:13-14). Paul loved the Phillipians and he wrote this message to encourage his fellow believers. Paul was very thankful to have fellowship with the people of Phillipi.

Three things that Paul was thankful for in spite of his circumstances

1. Fellowship in the Gospel

Despite what is going on we have fellowship with others. We may be limited to our homes right now but we have many means to stay in fellowship with others via social media. It’s times like this were we should be eager to fellowship more.

2. Opportunities to spread the Gospel

His current circumstances gave opportunity to further the spread of the gospel even more. Paul was placed in jail, shipwrecked and even bit by a snake. Paul didn’t let that stop him from his goal of having Christ preached. Instead of being overwhelmed by his trials he used it as platform to further the gospel. Paul had the mindset that no matter what happens in life He was still going to preach Christ. So yes Paul was able to rejoice even in extreme circumstances and so can we if keep that mindset!

3. Christ will be magnified through Him

We want Christ to be magnified in all we do. When we rejoice, which is the theme of the book Phillipians, under any circumstance like Paul did we allow others to see Christ through us. This should motivate us to remain joyous and to bear fruit so we can be good witnesses to all. We are here for a purpose and we should keep that in mind in these hard times.

How do remain joyful? Prayer is so important. We need to be praying to God for help and praying for our fellow believers. Which is exactly what Paul did for his fellow brothers and sistes in Christ in Phillipi.

What did Paul pray for

  1. He prayed that the believers would have an abounding love in verse 9.
  2. He prayed that the believers would have a discerning approval of execellent things. Priortizing what is most valuable and most important.
  3. He prayed that his fellow believers would have a genuine and blameless character.
  4. He prayed that his fellow believers would bear fruit

Paul was convinced everything that happened to him was part of Gods will so he was able to remain joyous. As long as others can see Christ in you. You are bearing fruit. To bear fruit furthers the kingdom and this will bring you joy.

God has begun the good work in us and He will complete it. We were justified and now we are being sanctified. Finally we will be glorified one day when we are in Heaven with Jesus. That is why we can rejoice when Paul says to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Most importantly we have the opporunity to share and defend the gospel through any circumstance in life when we keep the same mindset Paul had. God bless you all and Amen.

Your brother in Christ, Craig