There is so much grief going on with the world right now due to COVID 19.You may feel totally helpless. It is normal to have these feelings. As we can’t do anything on our own about it. We need God. God is our refuge and strength.So remember that and don’t let your heart be troubled.
This is an amazing passage of scripture. Lets think about the context.
This happens right after Jesus had finished washing all His disciples feet. He had just told his disciples that one of His apostles would betray Him. Naturally all the apostles were worried.
On top of that Jesus also just told them that He would only be with them a little longer. Why was this? This was because Jesus was going to go to Heaven to be with the Father and that apostles couldn’t immediatley follow Him.
Peter responded by saying “Lord, why can I not follow You now? I will lay down my life for Your sake.”That was when Jesus said that Peter would deny Him three times before Jesus left them.
Keep in mind Peter was their leader. If peter would deny Christ what would the other apostles do.
The apostles clearly needed encouragement.That is why Jesus responded with this glorious passage. He didn’t want their hearts to be troubled.

Why should our hearts not be troubled?
We believe in God.
So we have Jesus on our side. We get to the Father through the Son. Most importantly God is on the throne and is always in control. Try to remember this and be still keep and keep our faith.
We have a home in Heaven
Jesus reminds us we have a home in Heaven. This is our real home and we will go there one day. This current world we live is in temporary. So don’t be so bothered on what is going on this world. Instead keep your eyes and mind fixed on heaven and we could overcome our troubles.
God promised to come back for us
We have a promise from God that He will come back and recieve us. What did Jesus promise? He promised that He will come back for His people. The Church. This is a direct reference to the rapture.
He says that no man comes to the Father but through me. What did He mean by that? This is great essential doctrine. That the only way to heaven is through Jesus. You must put your trust in Jesus as your savior. He died for your sins. So that you can have a life in Heaven with Him. How great is that! Jesus is the way, the truth and the the life. Oh how glorious that statement is!
Your brother in Christ,
Lord we thank you for this beautiful promise you give us. Not just this promise but the many promises you give us. You give us so much hope and a clear blueprint on why we should not let our hearts to be troubled. Help us to remember this everyday and to put it into practice. It's in the Holy mighty name of Jesus that we pray.Amen!