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It's been awhile since you guys have heard from me. Some of you may be wondering what happened to me?

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God opposes the proud

Before I talk about the mercy of God. Let's look at the definition of mercy. I did a search online and this is what I found. 'Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.'

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God's solution to anxiety

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 40 million American adults are affected by anxiety. That's around 18% of the population. Wow! Some of us try different ways to deal with their anxiety. Some turn to medicine. Some turn to alcohol. None of these are the answer. Jesus is the only answer.

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How God transforms your life through salvation

Being saved is the greatest moment if your life. It's when you are declared righteous before a Holy God. How great is that!! Ever wonder what happens to your life after making that great decision.

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God's sustaining grace can overcome anything in life

It's by God's grace we are given the amazing gift of salvation. Sometimes we connect his grace only with salvation. However, His grace is much deeper than salvation only. God's grace can sustain us through any storm in life.

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Do not let your heart be troubled

There is so much grief going on with the world right now due to COVID 19.You may feel totally helpless. It is normal to have these feelings. As we can't do anything on our own about it. We need God. God is our refuge and strength.So remember that and don't let your heart be troubled.

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