God opposes the proud

James 4:6

This is a classic verse from the book of James. The book of James is a very practical book. It is meant to teach us how to act in a more righteous manner. The more righteous we are the better someone has a chance to see God working in you.

In this passage James is talking about why we shouldn’t be full of pride. Pride can be a very dangerous thing. Pride is the the work of the enemy. Pride is one of three temptations that lead to sin.

If you are not aware. The three Temptations of Sin are the Lust of the Flesh, Lust of the Eyes, and the Pride of Life. See 1 John 2:16

When you are full of pride it’s hard to put the needs of others first. Which is what God wants us to do. See Philippians 2:3-4

Being a child of God involves practicing J.O.Y. What does this acronym stand for?


Why should we put Jesus first?

Jesus put us first when He suffered (Isaiah 53:5) for our sin (2 Corinthians 5:21) and died on the cross. Jesus is our clear example and leader on what it means to be humble and not full of pride.

When Jesus came to die for us. He came humbly. He put aside his deity and took the form of a bond servant. See Philippians 2:7.

Talk about sacrificing for us! He wanted the Fathers will for His life. Jesus only did what was in the Fathers will. Even after being tempted by Satan in the desert. Jesus showed true meekness when He said no to Satan. You may think yea but Jesus is God so He has the power to do anything. Let’s not forget though that Jesus had put aside His deity and He had taken on humanity. So He experienced all the struggles of the flesh like we do but He still said no to Satan. How did He do this? He focused on Gods plan and will. One example was when Jesus prayed for God’s will to be done the night before He was to suffer and die for our sins. See Matthew 26:38.

When you are full of pride it makes it really hard for you to allow God’s plan for your life. Remember you want Gods plan for your life not yours. Never lean on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5)

When you are full of pride you are also not obeying God. Pride has you saying I deserve better. Pride has you saying no I won’t apologize as I was not wrong.

So when I say pride is a bad thing. Does this mean you should not be proud about accomplishments? Of course not. Pride can be good. Especially when its for others. Like your children.

As a fellow parent you become so full of pride when your kid does well in life. The key though is to give the glory back to God. Make it an opportunity to be proud but also an opportunity to praise God more importantly. You are proud when good things happen. James 1:17 tell us all great things and gifts come from God. This is why we should always remain humble.

Finally remember that pride comes from the enemy. We live in a world that is full of pride. A world where people want to follow their own plans and not God’s plan. This is not good as it will only lead to more sin and division in this world.

So let’s be humble and always ask God for forgiveness. Don’t also be too proud to ask for forgiveness. It is okay to be wrong we all make mistakes.

As stated in 2 chronicles 7:14. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”

Some final tips. When you pray to God make sure to come humbly. Start by telling Him how great He is. Follow by denying yourself. I usually say Lord I don’t deserve your love as I continue to fail you everyday when I sin but you still love me. Proceed to ask God for forgiveness so you can be in good fellowship with Him.

Now you can pray and ask for God’s will to be done in your life. If after doing so you are still not sure of God’s will. Ask God for discernment on His will. This is the kind of prayer God’s answers. God will give you grace when you are humble.

Heavenly father. We thank you for love. We thank you for Jesus dying for our sin. It's because of Him that we have a savior. It's because of Jesus we have hope. It's because of Jesus we have a clear example on how to live and treat others. You want us to be humble and to seek you in every thing we do. To seek your will and not our will. You have great plans for us and we trust in those plans. Thank you again Father.

In Jesus Holy precious name we pray Amen