All Righteous posts

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Did you know that when you accept the free gift of salvation that you receive the Holy Spirit. It is the goal of the Holy Spirit to transform you to become like Jesus through a process that is called sanctification. Let's look at one way the Holy Spirit does this. Which, is through spiritual gifts

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God opposes the proud

Before I talk about the mercy of God. Let's look at the definition of mercy. I did a search online and this is what I found. 'Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.'

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God's mercy endures forever

Before I talk about the mercy of God. Let's look at the definition of mercy. I did a search online and this is what I found. 'Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.'

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