God's mercy endures forever

Psalm 136:1

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. (NKJV)

Before I talk about the mercy of God. Let’s look at the definition of mercy. I did a search online and this is what I found. “Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.”

How does God show us mercy?

Did you know that we all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and not one of us is righteous (Romans 3:10). Nothing we can ever do can earn God’s mercy for us as sinners.

However, there is hope. We have such a loving and Sovereign God that loves us so much. So much that He sent His only begotten son to die for us. See John 3:16.

Not only did Jesus die for us. Jesus was mocked, tortured and suffered for us. He took our place on the cross voluntarily. That is love. There is no greater love than to lay your life down for the people you love. See John 15:13.

Jesus did this for us. Talk about receiving mercy from God. Remember that the penalty for sin is eternal death (Romans 6:23) but thanks be to Jesus Christ our Lord. Since Jesus died and resurrected. He defeated the law of Sin and death for us! As a result we are not subjected to the law of sin and death. See Romans 8:1-2. So we can be justified before a Holy God. We are no longer separated from God for eternity. I don’t know any better deal you can receive in life. Now that is mercy. God is mercy.

You know what is even greater about God’s mercy towards us? That His mercies are new everyday (Lamentations 3:22-23). So even as Christians today when we continue to make mistakes and sin. We fail to live up to God’s standards everyday. But God continues to forgive us and show new mercies to us every single day. God shows us mercy for our past, our present and our future. Isn’t that so great!!

Something to keep in mind. God is so full of mercy but He will only show mercy to you when you accept his only begotten son Jesus Christ as your savior.

In this current world we have so much violence, division and hate going on now. We are a nation that has turned away from God. In a time when we need God most. God is the only one who can restore our nation.

Now is the time to repent and accept Christ as your Lord and Savior.
There is so much to gain from accepting Christ as your savior.

Now is the time because Jesus will be coming back soon to judge the world. See Matthew 25:31-46. To judge all the unbelievers and that is when the world will face the wrath of God. I don’t know about you but I much rather have the mercy of God vs the wrath of God.

Now is the time to accept Christ and experience God’s mercy and love. If you would like to do so. You need to have some faith and decide to turn away from your sin. You need to be saved. Salvation begins with the ABC’s of salvation.

A - Admit that you are sinner and have made mistakes.
B - Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he died on the cross for your sins, and that he rose up from the grave on the third day.
C - Confess that Jesus is Lord and Savior. God gave His only begotten son for your sin. A price paid that we can never pay back. All that God asks is for you to confess that Jesus is the Lord of your life.

If you pray to God and admit that you are sinner, believe in Jesus Christ, and confess Him as Lord you will be saved. You will become a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) and receive God’s free gift of the Holy Spirit and a future in heaven with Jesus.

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Heavenly Father full of grace and mercy. We thank you for being such a loving God that continues to show us mercy each everyday. Even when we don't deserve it. Lord we can never earn your mercy but we can accept Jesus and love others as you want us to love them. Lord we love you and I pray for anyone reading this that they can come to know and rest in the love you show us everyday. I also pray if they don't know you Lord that today is the time to get right with you. Today is the day that they can experience your love, grace and mercy.

It’s in the holy precious name of Jesus that I pray.