All Mercy posts

True meaning of Christmas

What is Christmas about? Why do we celebrate it? These are all some great questions. Let's take a look at the true meaning of Christmas

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Introducing the Sword of the Spirit

What is the the Sword of the Spirit. It's the Word of God. It's your weapon against the enemy. It's sharper than any double-edged sword!

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Latest Updates!

It's been awhile since you guys have heard from me. Some of you may be wondering what happened to me?

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Happy Thanksgiving

We can give thanks to God in all times in life. God deserves all our praise

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Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Did you know that when you accept the free gift of salvation that you receive the Holy Spirit. It is the goal of the Holy Spirit to transform you to become like Jesus through a process that is called sanctification. Let's look at one way the Holy Spirit does this. Which, is through spiritual gifts

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