True meaning of Christmas

John 3:16-17

Oh the holiday season. For some it brings great joy. For some it may bring sadness. For kids it may bring complete excitement. Are the kids excited for the right reasons though? In our society today kids expect to receive gifts. They think of Christmas as a time to get all the great toys that they been dreaming about.

This way of thinking is okay when they are young. However, as your kids get to an age where they can understand. It’s up to us parents to explain the true meaning of Christmas.

It’s not about Santa, the elves, the reindeers and about receiving the newest and coolest toys. It’s about Jesus. He is the reason for the season. He is the reason for everything. He is the reason we give so cheerfully during Christmas.

We give because God gave us the greatest gift ever in Jesus Christ. God gave His only begotten Son. His most precious possession. The Son of the Most Highest. The Son of Man. The Son of God! The messiah!

In the classic bible verse John 3:16. We are given a promise. That promise says if we believe in Jesus and put our faith in what He did on the cross for us. He died in our place for our sins, so that we can have eternal life. Yes, so we can have eternal life. To have eternal life means you will go to heaven. Which, will be your home forever one day. Isn’t that amazing?

It starts with believing in Jesus Christ. Do you believe that Jesus came to earth with one simple purpose? To save us from our sin. To save us from the penalty of our sin, which is eternal death (Romans 6:23). That Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. That Jesus took on flesh and dwelled with us (John 1:14). That he became like us. That He came for us. He came to bore all the sin in the world (1 Peter 2:24). That he came to defeat Satan. That he came to defeat Sin. That he came to defeat death. All for us! He came so we would have the chance to go to Heaven. Without Jesus we can never go to Heaven.

Nothing we can ever do can earn us the right to go to Heaven. Going to Heaven is not based on your good works(Ephesians 2:8). Our good works are like filthy rags compared to a Holy God(Isaiah 64:6). The chance to go to Heaven is a gift that God is giving us. We don’t have to try to earn it all we need to do is to receive it. The best gift one can ever receive. Will you receive Jesus? Will you say yes to the Holy Spirit? To have everlasting life. To be a child of the one true and Holy God.

If you haven’t received this free gift. You are missing the meaning of Christmas. Make this the best Christmas ever and make that big decision to put your trust in Jesus. Make this Christmas about receiving the best gift that never stops giving. The gift of joy, love and peace.

Gift of Wisdom

I know I said Christmas is about giving but in this scenario you become the receiver. The receiver of the Good Lord’s gift to you.

  • It’s a gift of grace.
  • A gift of mercy.
  • A gift of peace.
  • A gift of forgiveness.
  • A gift of courage.
  • A gift of hope.
  • A gift of promises.
  • A gift of never ending and never failing love.
  • A gift of a home in heaven. Where Jesus is preparing a place for you (John 14:3)

Now is the time for hope. Now is the time to repent and accept Christ as your Lord and Savior.
There is so much to gain from accepting Christ as your savior. We as a world need hope. We need Jesus. Now is the time to accept Jesus into your heart. Life is short we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. If you hear him knocking let Him in. Now is the time. With Jesus you can be victorious over anything in life.

Ready but not sure how to accept Christ as your savior? It’s a simple as ABC.

A - Admit that you are sinner and have made mistakes.
B - Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he died on the cross for your sins, and that he rose up from the grave on the third day.
C - Confess that Jesus is Lord and Savior. God gave His only begotten son for your sin. A price paid that we can never pay back. All that God asks is for you to confess that Jesus is the Lord of your life.

If you pray to God and admit that you are sinner, believe in Jesus Christ, and confess Him as Lord you will be saved. You will become a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) and receive God’s free gift of the Holy Spirit and a future in heaven with Jesus.

Did you make this prayer? If so I am very excited for you and I would like to pray for you. Send me an email

Heavenly Father full of grace and mercy. We thank you for Jesus. We thank you for the gift of salvation. We thank you for the freedom you give us. The joy you give us. The peace you give us. Lord we don't deserve it or could never earn it. It is by your grace you give the gift of Jesus and the gift of salvation. We thank you that we have a reason to celebrate and rejoice for Christmas.

It’s in the holy precious name of Jesus that I pray.