Introducing the Sword of the Spirit

2 Timothy 3:16-17

The Sword of the Spirit. What is it? It’s a reference to the Word of God. It’s your weapon against the enemy. It is sharper than any double-edged sword! It is your key to victory! It may be the only constant truth you have in life.

When you know the truth of God’s Word and His promises. The enemy has nothing on you. Yes he can only tempt you but you have control to resist him just like Jesus did with the Sword of the Spirit. See Matthew 4:1-11. Jesus set the example for us. This is why you need to read God’s word. Not only read it but meditate on it. Not only meditate on it but apply to it your life. Make it your basis on how you live your life.

The Sword of the Spirit is our instruction guide to life. It is packed with essential doctrine and promises of God’s love. Promises that God has a great plan for you and nothing will ever separate you from His plan and His love.

This is exactly why the enemy doesn’t want you to read the Bible. Once you read the Bible you have the truth. The truth is the biggest weapon you can have to use against the enemy.

Learn the truths today by using the Sword of the Spirit tool. It will allow you to study the truths on any given topic. Start by choosing one of the most popular topic filter or enter your own one to search for. Each filter will present a list of hand curated verses and devotionals on that topic.

The bible tells us to store God’s word on our heart so we don’t Sin against Him (Psalm 119:11). To not sin! That would be great. That will be the case one day when we are glorified in Heaven. For now accept that we all fall short of the Glory of God and that best we can do is try to sin less and less. It starts with memorizing God’s word.

Try memorizing God’s word by using this tool. Each verse gives the ability to hide and show the passage text and location. I really hope you enjoy it and it helps you grow in the truth! I welcome your feedback in the comments below. To see the tool now click this link .