Had the blessing this past Sunday to teach the children about how God does the impossible. We were covering Luke 1:26-1:38. This is an amazing story in the gospel of Luke.
When the angel Gabriel came to see Mary. He came to share great news with her. News that one may think would be impossible. However, we will learn that nothing is impossible with God!
In the passage. Gabriel greets Mary by saving oh favored one, the Lord is with you. This came as a surprise to Mary. She had no clue what was going to happen to her. God chose her because she had great faith. Just like God can choose you to do great things. The bible is filled with ordinary people who God used to do great things. God uses ordinary people to do impossible things.
Let’s look in this passage and see some examples of God doing the impossible. First off Mary is told she will conceive in her womb and give birth to a son. Mary’s reaction is exactly how we would have reacted. Wait I am going to get pregnant without the help of a man? She must have been like wait isn’t that impossible. Say with me guys nothing is impossible with God!
Next up Mary is told that her cousin Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son. That she is in her 6 month of pregnancy. The bible tells us that Elizabeth and Zechariah were trying to get pregnant for a long time.
Just like Mary they both had great faith. Zechariah had the option to leave his wife Elizabeth, who was barren, because she couldn’t give him a child. However, he didn’t because God had big plans for them!
They were to give birth to John the baptist! They gave birth in their old years, rumor has it they were over 100 years old. Imagine giving birth at that age? Don’t you agree with me, that would be impossible. However, God did it. Say with me again guys nothing is impossible with God!
This is why it is so important to have faith! Give God your problems! Give your biggest worries to Him. He wants you to cast all your worries at His feet(1 Peter 5:7). When you know the power of God you will quickly realize how small your problem is.
Let’s take a look at some more examples throughout the bible where God did the impossible!

- Splitting of the red sea This amazing story is told in the book of Exodus. This occurred when Moses was leading the people of Israel out of slavery. Out of control from the Egyptians. The people of Israel fled and were being chased by the Egyptians. They came to a point where they could not move anymore. They reached the red sea. This is when the people of Israel gave up hope and began to cry out to God. They were trapped in an impossible situation. In a situation they thought they could never escape. A situation that God can only help with! God sure did help them. He directed Moses to lift his staff to split the seas. The seas were split! A path was made for the people of Israel to walk right through the sea. Imagine that! God helped Israel out of a situation they thought was impossible! Say with me again guys nothing is impossible with God!
- Jesus walks on water In Matthew 14:22-33 we are told the story of the apostles being on their boat trying to get to the other side of the water. This is when they saw Jesus. He was walking on water! Yes walking on water. Which, is impossible. Try to do it yourself and you will see! Not only did Jesus walk on water but so did Peter. Peter took a step of faith getting out of the boat. Problem was he took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink. That is when Jesus saved him. Point of the story. God can do the impossible in your life. Say with me again guys nothing is impossible with God!
- Jesus heals many All throughout the gospels we are told many stories which we know as miracles. Where Jesus healed people that were sick, people that were blind and deaf. He even healed people that were paralyzed. He performed many wonders. Always doing the impossible. He even healed a guy who had Leprosy. The disease at the time was incurable and it was so dreaded that people that had it were to live in isolation. Jesus even turned wine into water. How cool is that? Say with me again guys nothing is impossible with God!
- God raises Jesus from the dead This is why us Christians have hope. Even death could not hold Jesus back. God raised Him from the dead just like it was predicted He would. Yes another impossible thing that God can do! He can raise the dead. He did it with Jesus. He did it with Lazarus as well. You can have that same power on your side when you believe in Jesus. Say with me again guys nothing is impossible with God!
- Conversion of Saul/Paul As told in the bible we learn about a man named Saul. He was one of the biggest persecutors of Christians. He did many bad acts against Christians. He put them in jail and even killed some christians. You may think a guy like that could never change. Think again. God did the impossible and turned him from a guy who hated christians to a guy who loved Christ and gave his life for him. A guy that loved Christ so much He did everything he could to share the gospel. To share the good news. A guy that wrote a good portion of the new testament. Imagine He was never converted? God did the impossible. If he can convert Paul He can convert anyone in your life. So never give up hope! Say with me again guys nothing is impossible with God!
These are just a set of examples. God has also done many wonders in my life. Just like He can do wonders in your life. Remember you are worthy of God’s love because of Jesus. God can do the impossible in your life! He has power over nature. He has power over sickness. He has the power to provide anything you need in life. He has power over death! Say with me again guys nothing is impossible with God!
You may be saying wow God is so powerful and that you want that power on your side. How do I go about getting His power on my side? It starts with Jesus.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Christ. Do you know Jesus? Do you really know him and have a personal relationship with Him? If not now is the time. The time to get right with God. To get free from sin. To become a new creation in Christ. To have God’s power on your side!
If you are ready to make that leap of faith. I am very happy for you. That decision will change your life drastically for the good.
Ready but not sure how to accept Christ as your savior? It’s a simple as ABC.
A - Admit that you are sinner and have made mistakes.
B - Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he died on the cross for your sins, and that he rose up from the grave on the third day.
C - Confess that Jesus is Lord and Savior. God gave His only begotten son for your sin. A price paid that we can never pay back. All that God asks is for you to confess that Jesus is the Lord of your life.
I would like to lead you in this prayer. Repeat after me.
Jesus I know I am a sinner and there is only one way to be forgiven for my sins. It is to put my faith and trust in you. I believe you were born of the virgin Mary and lived a sinless life. That you took my place and died on the cross for my sin. I believe that you resurrected from the dead three days later and that you are exalted and seated at the right hand of the Father. I want to turn away from my sin and follow you. Please come into my heart and be my Lord. In Jesus Holy name I pray.