The Worshipping Church

Acts 2:42-47

Did you know that God created you to worship Him? Everything we do as a church is an act of worship. Let’s take a look at how we are to worship God.

The key thing to remember is that everything we do is an act of worship. When we sing to God. Or when we give tithes. Whether, it is serving others. Praying, communion, fellowship or reading the bible. These are all forms of worship.

God wants us to worship Him with all our heart and in spirit. Our main priority should be to worship God.

One day we will go to heaven and the only thing we will want to do is worship God. All day long and all night long. Doesn’t that excite you? It sure excites me.

Some people think evangelizing is the #1 priority as christians. I don’t believe this is true. I believe worship is the most important thing as it is the only thing we can take to Heaven with us. We will not be able to evangelize anymore once we get to Heaven as we will be surrounded by brothers and sisters that are in Christ already.

So let’s spend some time going through this passage and see how we are to worship God. From this passage we can gather 5 marks of a worshipping church.

5 marks of a worshipping church

  • The church has a balanced worship - Firstly. They worship formally and informally. In verse 46 it mentions how the apostles not only attended the temple together but they also broke bread together in each other’s homes. We are to worship in corporate and at home or anywhere we Psalm 95:1. Worhip should be joyful. Secondly they worship in joy and reverence. What does reverence mean? It simply means to have a deep respect for God.
  • The church is worshipping biblically - Worship should be based on God’s revelation to us in the bible You can’t worship God without knowing the bible. Otherwise you are worshipping yourself. You are creating your own image of God. When we know the bible. We know God and we can truly worship Him. Our worship is to be done in spirit and truth. See John 4:23-24. Worship is to be with all your mind, your body and will.
  • The church is worshipping congregationally - The bible tells us we should worship congregationally. See Psalam 149:1, Hebrews 10:25,Ephesians 5:18-20. Yes you should worship God wherever you are but there is power in congregational worship. Remember when Jesus said that when two are together I am there with you. So every church should make it a goal to worship together congregationally.
  • Worship should be spiritual - You should be spirit led when you worship. See Isaiah 29:13 and Phillipians 3:3. This is because we want the full focus on Jesus. We need the Holy Spirit because He energizes and directs and leads us to worship Christ. Everything the Holy Spirit does is to glorify Christ.
  • Worship should be transformative - True Worship flows from an obedient life. True worship comes from a surrendered heart. God wants your heart. What good is your worship if it doesn’t transform your life. We must and should want to sacrifice everything to Jesus. Get on your knees and show God gratitude that He has changed your life for good.

To recap worshipping God should be our priority as christians. We should push to worship God in truth and in spirit in all we do. We should worship God together corporately with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We should also worship God whereever and whenever we can. God has transformed our lives so why not worship Him every chance you have.

Gracious Father we have so many reasons to worship. You are our Lord and Savior. You have transformed our lives. You have given us so much hope. Help us to be filled with your spirit in all we do. So we can worship you the way you want to us. Which, is in Spirit and truth. Thank you again Father we love you very much.

It’s in Jesus holy name that we pray.