God always delivers His people

Exodus 14:21-22

Ever feel like you are going through something impossible in your life. Something you are not sure how it will end. A serious trial that you feel may never end. Maybe the coronavirus has you feeling the blues. Or maybe it’s the racial inequities that have you feeling that way. This is the work of the enemy. He wants to condemn you. When I say condemn it means to knock down. To make you feel there is no way out that. That there is no hope.

This is the exact opposite of what God wants us to feel. God wants to always convict us. To encourage us. To inspire us and always give us hope. There are many promises of God in the Bible. One of my favorite ones is Romans 8:1 Which says “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”. So always keep that in mind so you can keep your eyes focused on Jesus Christ.

When you praying to God each day remember that promise God has for your life. This way you can focus on Heavenly things and you will be able to dream boldly. Boldly like Moses. You can be the leader like Moses was. Think about Moses time when all the people of Israel were in denial they thought they had no chance to survive and to escape.

Moses had faith and believed that God would deliver them out of bondage. He knew God was on their side. When God commanded Moses to lift his hand. Moses obeyed God by faith and the result was that He split the Red Sea into two. Imagine that!! Talk about deliverance and God being our refuge. All the Israel people were able to walk right through the sea on dry land to safety where there once was all water!

God delivered His people back then and can deliver His people today. There is no situation in life to big for God!! So trust in God and be bold like Moses!

Gracious Father God you are a God of promises. You are a God of love. You are a God that takes care of His people. You delivered your people from a situation that seemed so impossible. Nothing is impossible for you. We are so blessed to have a God that loves us so much. Thank you Lord for giving us the blessed assurance that we can trust in you in all we do.

In the Holy Precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen