Welcome to my site

Romans 1:16

Hello guest and welcome to my site. My mission is simple. To spread the good news about Jesus Christ. It is our role as Christians and children of God. God has been putting it on my heart to use my technical skills to help further his kingdom. So I have gone and put together this site to proclaim the goodness of God.

This is a completely new experience for me so I welcome your feedback. I will be adding new features over time. With the end goal being the same. My hope is to share the good news of Christ and to help plant the seed in any unbeliever’s heart. while at the same time helping to edify my current brothers and sisters in Christ.

My site will consist of mostly devotionals from sermons I hear at my church and other sources like the radio.

If you would like to know more about myself and my testimony you can visit my about me page. As far as my beliefs you can check out my belief’s page

We are going through challenging times right now with the Corona Virus. Now is the time to be the light of the world. It is our duty as christians to bring hope to the world!(Matthew 5:14-16).