Three years it has been! Three years I have been set free. Three years I am no longer a slave to sin. Three glorious years it has been. Three years I have been blessed by God’s overflowing mercy and grace when He saved a sinner like me.
I can’t seem to stop thinking about how blessed I am. To be justified before a Holy God. To have the gift of the Holy Spirit helping me everyday. To be able to meet my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ one day. I get giddy just thinking about it. Yes there has been many highs but there has also been many trials. I would be lying if I told you that life has been a breeze for me the past three years. In the last year I found out my daughter was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and my mom with Alzheimier.
Receiving that kind of news can cripple someone. However, God didn’t let that happen to me. He didn’t give us a spirt of fear but a spirit of power and of a sound mind. That is why I am so grateful to be a child of God. Without the help of the Holy Spirit. I really would have been lost navigating through the difficult times. He has been there everyday for us. From counseling and encouraging us through every single therapy session for Avery to making tough decisions such as pulling my mother out of her home and moving her into a care facility. I know one thing for sure God has never let me down and no words can ever describe the feeling of being a child of God.