What to do when life falls apart

Psalm 46

The Corona Virus has caused many to fear. Some to question if the world is really falling apart. Do you feel this way? How do you respond? Some will turn to social media. Which, could cause you to panic. Some may turn to drugs. Some may turn to alcohol. Some may even consider suicide. What should we really do? Turn to God. He is your refuge and your strength!

We should run to God.

Why should we run to God?

  • God is our refuge. Jeremiah 16:19 and Psalm 46:1. When we turn to God we have His protection.
  • God is our strength. Proverbs 18:10. When we turn to God He give us strength to overcome anything in life. Phillipians 4:13
  • God is our help. When you believe in God you receieve the Holy Spirit who is your helper (Acts 2:38). The Holy Spirit is the best help we can recieve.
  • God takes away our fear. God is always with us so no need to fear. Deuteronomy 31:8 and Jeremiah 1:8

Drink of the Lord

We should be thirsty for what the Lord has to offer (John 4:13-14). We can think of Jesus like a river. He is overflowing and His love is never ending. He is the living water and if we drink of Him we will no longer be thirsty for things in our flesh.

  • We receive joy. Psalm 46:4
  • We receive stability. Psalm 46:5
  • We receive help from the Holy Spirit. Psalm 46:5

Be still and know God (8-12).

The Lord has a plan for you. So its best to be patient and trust in His plan.

In psalm 46:8 we are told that the Lord ceases wars. This could be prothetic to His second coming. When Jesus will put and end to the great tribulation. What this shows is that God really cares for you. So cast your cares on Him and He will give you rest(Matthew 11:28).

God wants you to not just tell him about your problems but to also leave them with Him. Simply lay your problems at the feet of God. When you let God take care of your problems. It will build up your faith and testimony and most importantly God’s glory can shine through anything. Yes God is bigger than the Corona Virus. We will overcome this.

Finally the most important part is that we can’t run to God unless He is our savior. Do you know Christ personally? Is He your Lord and Savior? If not now is the time(Revelation 3:20) to know Him and trust Him as your Lord.