About Us

Hello my name is Craig. I am a child of God and your brother in Christ. I am 37 years old and have an amazing wife and two beautiful Children(see pics below). They are true gifts of God. My son is 5 years old. While my daughter is three.

Water Baptism

I currently work as a Web Developer, where I have been building websites for a living. I have been in the field for over 15 years and I work remotely. Which, has been a true blessing for me. As I have been able to spend the days with my children. God is so great in giving me that opportunity.

I attend Revival Christian Fellowship in Menifee, CA and have been going there for 4 years. It was not till recently that I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. God truly has saved my life. He has been with me my entire life but it wasn’t till three years ago when I made that great decision. To repent and declare Jesus as Lord.

My life before I came to Christ was filled with pursuing all the desires of my flesh. I did whatever my flesh told me to do. No matter what route I took I always came back to me feeling empty. I always thought I can fill that empty void by these fleshful desires. I was in bondage to sin and knew no other way. The way I was living was really bad. Thanks be to God that He was there for me through my days of darkness. Not only was I fullfilling my fleshful desires but I also fought depression for a long time. I always wondered what was my purpose in life.

Since coming to Christ all things have changed. I have become a new creation in Christ. All things have passed away and all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). I no longer desire to satisfy my fleshful needs. Jesus has showed me how to love others(1 John 4:19). I have a new found desire to want to love others and help others. It brings me joy to serve my family. I no longer think about what my body wants. My body is not mine anymore. It belongs to Jesus. As a result I only want to do things that are good for my body like working out. Jesus gives me so much hope. I know with Him anything is possible. One of my favorite verses is “I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:13

I know with Jesus anything is possible. I no longer have to worry. Jesus said do not let your heart be troubled. You believe in God believe in me.

I want as many people possible to believe in Jesus as well. This is why I have created this site to tell others about the great news of Jesus Christ. That you too can have victory if you put your trust in Jesus Christ.